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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Submission to the Universal Periodic Review

Date 29 January, 2025
Category UN Submission

Ahead of the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Border Violence Monitoring Network, together with Collective Aid and the Global Detention Project has submitted a collaborative joint report to the United Nations presenting evidence of pushbacks, conditions in temporary reception facilities and the ill-treatment of people-on-the-move who have been arrested or detained in Bosnia and Herzegovina for reasons related to their immigration status. 

In addition to outlining evidence of clear and systematic patterns of violence or abuse, the report presents the following recommendations for consideration under the Universal Periodic Review:  

1. End the immigration detention of children as well as all forms of arbitrary or de facto immigration detention in border zones or at temporary reception centres. 

2. Improve transparency and accountability in the treatment of all non-citizens in any form of custody. 

3. Improve conditions and operations in the Lukavica “Immigration Centre” and ensure that all detention sites meet international standards.

4. Improve the locations and conditions at TRCs. 

6. Prevent pushbacks along its borders of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and ensure swift and independent investigation and follow-up on accusations relating to pushbacks of migrants, in accordance with its international obligations

7, Ensure that the rights of refugees and migrants are respected when in custody and that the principle of non-refoulement is respected at all times.