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A.M. v Poland – 33674/22

Country Poland
Court ECtHR
Relevant Law Articles 2, 3, 13
Year 2022
Found for N/A

The ECtHR communicated case A.M. v. Poland (Application no. 33674/22) on April 5, 2024 involves a Yemeni national attempting in at least three occasions to enter Poland in 2022. Despite seeking international protection, he was pushed back to Belarus by Polish authorities without a formal decision. The Belarusian authorities proceeded to force him back towards the border leaving him stranded in the border area without food, water and shelter for two weeks. The ECtHR questioned Poland’s jurisdiction over the events and whether they violated Articles 2 and 3 of the ECHR. It also asked if the Polish authorities considered the risk of harm to the applicant before returning the applicant to Belarus and whether he had access to effective domestic remedies in line with Article 13 ECHR.