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Detainees held without access to urgent medical care demand immediate release amidst reports of suicide attempts in pre-removal detention centre in Greece

Date 26 March, 2024
Category Press Release

In recent days a member organisation of Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN) has received harrowing messages from people being detained for several months in Corinth pre-removal centre close to Athens. With no prospect of release and no access to medical care, the group are facing deterioration of their mental health with reports of some detainees attempting suicide.

We demand that the Greek authorities ensure proper access to medical care, psycho-social support, and provided with decent living conditions to people currently detained in Corinth, that the guards abstain from using violence against detainees, and that the judiciary properly assesses the legality of the detention. We urge that the Greek Ombudsman intervenes and ensures the rights of the detainees are observed. Fundamentally, we urge the Greek government to acknowledge that migration is a not a criminal act and refrain from using detention against people on the move.

Read the statement for more information.