On August 28th, 2017, a group of 14 Algerians and Moroccans, including at least one minor, were taken into custody by Slovenian police officers. They were kept in cells for 16 hours without receiving any food or water. They were then handed over to the Croatian police.
The interviewee asked for asylum in Croatia, after the police had taken fingerprints, photos and filled out documents. When he said that he was only 16 years old, the police accused him of lying. They were rejected without any explanation.
The police took their phones and bags. The people-on-the-move were were then brought to the Serbian border in a police van with 8 Croatian police officers. They opened the back doors and told them to run. While they got out of the van, police officers stood on both sides. The police kicked and punched them with hands and batons. One person fell and was kicked in the face by the police officers.