The respondent was part of a transit group comprised of ten people from Afghanistan and Pakistan. The group had mixed ages, ranging from 27 to 45 years old. At approximately 6 am on Thursday 10th February 2022, after having crossed the Croatian-Bosnian border to the west of Bihać by car and traveled for another ten minutes, the transit group was apprehended by a group of seven uniformed men.
The group was stopped by a group of officers which the respondent identified as Croatian police, based on their dark blue uniforms. They were allegedly driving two unmarked civilian vehicles. The respondent explained that the officers confiscated all their personal property, including their bags and contents, and their smartphones, which were not returned.
The transit group asked the authorities for asylum. According to the respondent, the officers appeared to accept their asylum claim. ‘But they didn’t give, they cheat us’, the respondent said, ‘we’re giving you stay, they said, but they didn’t give us. They deport us’.
According to the respondent, the same officers were present during the pushback over the border to Bosnia. The pushback took place close to Korenica, Croatia, to the west of Bihać.