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They broke the glasses of one person, took all their cell phones, kept the good ones and the others they destroyed.

Date & Time 2017-07-15
Location Nijemci, Croatia
Reported by Rigardu
Coordinates 45.1454034, 19.03003693
Pushback from Croatia
Pushback to Serbia
Taken to a police station unknown
Minors involved yes
WLTI* involved no
Men involved no
Age unknown
Group size 31
Countries of origin unknown
Treatment at police station or other place of detention
Overall number of policemen and policewomen involved 8
Violence used insulting, destruction of personal belongings, theft of personal belongings
Police involved 7 policemen, 1 policewoman (among them 6 policemen of the Croatian border police)

31 people, 20 of them minors, were found by the police, next to a river in Croatia. They were forced to sit on the ground, and one by one they were ordered to stand up. Eight police officers came, six of whom were border police, were there with a white van and a police car. They asked if anyone spoke English and said to them in Croatian “son of a bitch”. The group of people tried to cover themselves with jackets. They broke the glasses of one person, took all their cell phones, kept the good ones and the others they destroyed.