On the 20th of June, a man was pushed back injured from Hungary to Serbia.
The respondent explains he started his journey in Horgos and crossed the border fences around 2am. Afterward police cars arrived, 4 Hungarian officers tried to arrest him, but he managed to run away.
He stopped after some time to check his GPS. One Hungarian policeman and one officer wearing a balaclava and a Czech flag on his shoulder found him. They shouted at him to stop and made him lay down face to the ground.
The Hungarian officer hit him on the head with their torch which caused a 5cm wound (see picture). The Czech officer kicked him repeatedly in the ribs which resulted in a hematoma and possible fracture of the ribs.
The head of the respondent was bleeding. They put him in the car, drove him close to Horgos 2 border crossing where he had to wait for around an hour. He was photographed and pushed back to Serbia through a gate in the fence around 4am.
The respondent met a team from MSF on the 22nd of June who delivered a certificate specifying he had a 5cm long cut on the skull and post-traumatic edema and hematoma on the ribs.