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The police placed them in a van for 2 hours with very cold air conditioning

Date & Time 2018-10-05
Location Tovarnik, Croatia
Reported by No Name Kitchen
Coordinates 45.15545333, 19.17423751
Pushback from Croatia
Pushback to Serbia
Taken to a police station unknown
Minors involved no
WLTI* involved no
Men involved yes
Age unknown
Group size 2
Countries of origin Pakistan
Treatment at police station or other place of detention
Overall number of policemen and policewomen involved unknown
Violence used exposure to air condition and extreme temperature during car ride
Police involved

2 men from Pakistan were caught in the truck scanner at the border Tovarnik-Sid, while hiding in a truck. The police placed them in a van for 2 hours with very cold air conditioning. They asked for asylum but it was rejected. The Croatian police wrote down their names, names of their parents and how many times they have tried to cross the border. Serbian police took them to the police station and gave them a paper with orders to go to Adasevci camp.