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Balkan Region Report – October 2020

Date 17 November, 2020
Category Monthly Report

In October, the Border Violence Monitoring Network published 40 reports of pushbacks and police violence at European Union borders. These cases, which relate the experience of 1003 people-on-the-move, are a testament to the brutal border systems in place at internal and external EU borders. Respondents experienced a range of physical, psychological and structural violence, which is examined in detail in this report.

As a network comprised of grassroots organisations active in Greece and the Western Balkans, this report was produced via a joint-effort between Are You Syrious, Mobile Info Team, No Name Kitchen, Rigardu, Josoor, InfoKolpa, Centre for Peace Studies, Re:ports Sarajevo, Mare Liberum, Collective Aid and Fresh Response.

This report analyses among other things:

  • Police violence and incidents of rape at the Croatian border
  • Organised pushbacks from inland Greece
  • Abuse at Italy’s maritime and land borders
  • Ban on outreach in Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Anti-migrant protests in Serbia and Italy
  • Pushbacks from Hungary

Read the full report for further updates on the criminalisation of solidarity work in Croatia, forced removals to the South of Serbia, Frontex pushbacks in the Aegean and deaths of people-on-the-move killed on the route last month.

Feedback Survey – we’d like to know what you think about this report!

This month we are asking readers to give feedback via a survey, helping to us to understand what people like and don’t like about the report, and how we can make them better for current and future audiences. Please take a moment to fill in with your comments, all feedback is valuable!

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