The Cyprus Borderscape Platform was created as part of the Border Violenc Monitoring Network’s (BVMN) month-long research stay at the Cyprus Pavilionof the Venice Biennale 2024. The platform intends to collate and visualise various elements of the landscape of control that have (trans)formed the maritime area around Cyprus into a violent borderscape. Different intersecting elements were traced through secondary data analyses, presented in aninteractive map with embedded incident summaries, collaborative postsand timelines. By assembling this network, the platform recognises violencebeyond individual incidents, rendering visible its systematic and deliberateconstruction through borders and enabling the attribution of responsibility beyond causality.
This platform is available at The following report provides an overview of the research framework, de-tailing the scope, collection methods, and data visualisations (Sections 1-3). In Section 4, the data is analysed, summarised, and contextualised, incorporating the use of surveillance technologies, as well as the legal and financial contexts. More details are available on the platform.