On July 3rd. 2018 early in the morning, a group of 5 men beween 23 and 26 years old, from Afghanistan, started walking from Velika Kladusa in order to cross the Croatian-Slovenian border. After five days of walking, they reached Stara Lipa in Slovenia. Around 12 p.m., they stopped to sleep for two hours and were woken up by the Slovenian police. They took them to a police station in Stara Lipa where they where forced to give their age and nationality, and pictures were taken. The men had to sign a document that none of them understood because it was written in the Slovenian language and they were not provided a translator.
After that, the men were transported to another police station one hour away from the one in Stara Lipa, where they were forced to wear grey prison uniforms and detained for one night. In the morning, one of the men expressed his intention to ask for asylum. One of the police men answered:
“No chance to take asylum here, in Slovenia are 600 migrants and here is no space for more.”
The men were transported to the Croatian police who pushed them back to the Bosnian border where they were left to walk back.